Gaming and Gamification in my Classroom
I'm the person who can't have games on my cellphone, otherwise I'll spend spare time mucking around on them rather than doing something productive, like, you know, reading. And I do love a game of Tomb Raider . Solving problems, shooting bad guys, exploring exotic locations where the weather radically changes when you come out the other side of a cave. But am I a gamer? Probably not, and certainly not if I compare myself to my teenage boys. That said, the Bartle test on what kind of gamer I am was a nice distraction, and I wasn't particularly surprised by the results: Achiever : 53% (win, challenge, compare) Explorer : 87% (investigate, create, discover) Griefer : 20% (hack, cheat, heckle) Socializer : 40% (share, comment, help) (Although, realistically, the socialiser bit would probably be a lot lower because I'm not really into that aspect of gaming.) As an educator, how could I tap into the power of games in a few ways. There is always room to pl...