Social Media is a Teaching Tool
Having been critical of teachers befriending students on Facebook , it might seem a little rich for me to now be espousing the values of social media as a tool. However, as a teacher connecting with other teachers, social media provides me with resources to develop my teaching practice. Although my use of Twitter is at best sporadic, when I do venture there I find a wealth of material for the areas I teach. I email these to myself and try to use them into my lessons where possible, making it a fairly productive use of social media. There are also opportunities to participate in Twitter discussions on areas of interest, such as edchatnz or engchatnz , and while I find these hard to follow (I probably need more practice) searching the hashtag is another way to get ideas. Pinterest's visual bulletin format provides snapshots into a range of different teaching resources, which I pin and frankly often forget ever seeing. Not nearly so useful... From a classroom perspective,...